Can a Jury Award Economic but Not Noneconomic Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

There are generally two kinds of compensation that a personal injury victim can seek in Connecticut: economic damages, which refer to a person’s quantifiable out-of-pocket costs, such as medical bills and lost wages, and noneconomic damages, which cover “nonpecuniary losses,” such as pain and suffering and emotional distress. Under Connecticut law, a jury has the […]

Is a Car Owner Liable for Injuries Caused by Someone Who Steals His or Her Car?

A car accident may be more than one person’s fault. Connecticut law recognizes this fact and allows a jury to apportion blame among multiple negligent defendants. But what happens when a defendant’s negligence precedes a third party’s criminal act? Does the intervening crime absolve the negligent defendant of responsibility for the accident victim’s injuries? Stamford-Norwalk […]

Have Your Brakes Been Recalled?

Every driver knows that the brakes on their vehicle are essential and you rely on them every time that you drive. Without working brakes, you would have no way to stop or slow down to avoid entering busy intersections, to have control on turns, or to avoid colliding with other vehicles, pedestrians, or other objects. Basically, not […]

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