Polito Law Leads Discussion on Prominent Personal Injury Case at Waterford Public Library

October 2, 2012 | By Polito & Harrington LLC
Polito Law Leads Discussion on Prominent Personal Injury Case at Waterford Public Library

Polito Law Leads Discussion on Prominent Personal Injury Case at Waterford Public Library On September 22, 2012, Attorney Bert Polito led a discussion at the Waterford, CT public library after a group of Waterford and New London residents watched the movie “Hot Coffee.” “Hot Coffee” is a behind-the –scene look the infamous McDonald’s spilled coffee personal injury case. The participants all came to the discussion believing that the personal injuries the plaintiff suffered from the hot coffee was entirely her own fault. The film takes the viewer through the evidence. In particular, the film points out that McDonald’s had hundreds of pending complaints at the time the plaintiff was burned but had failed to address the issue that its coffee was kept substantially hotter than its competitors. Knowing the facts behind the personal injury case, the participants, who engaged in an animated and thoughtful discussion, all agreed that it was difficult to judge the merits of a personal injury case when all one hears is the media sound bite. - Humbert J. Polito