Life After a Severe TBI

November 27, 2018 | By Polito & Harrington LLC
Life After a Severe TBI Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are among the most serious injuries that people can sustain. They can range in severity from mild to severe, with the most serious of them capable of having a profound impact virtually every impact of a victim’s life. In fact, in some cases, brain injuries can lead to a coma or vegetative state from which a person may never recover.

Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries Often Leave Victims With Long-Term Complications

Many people who have sustained a severe brain injury will experience some permanent after-effects from their injury. Although recovery and rehabilitation are possible, even in the best-case scenario, victims often experience challenges that they did not experience prior to their injury. Many victims have difficulty in the following areas:
  • Speech
  • Communication
  • Memory
  • Problems walking
  • Fine motor skills
  • Social relationships
  • Problem-solving
Even TBI victims who outwardly appear to have fully recovered from their injury often experience symptoms for the rest of their lives.

Severe Traumatic Brain Injuries Often Lead to Significant Economic and Non-Economic Losses

When you consider the potential effects of a severe traumatic brain injury, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that victims often experience significant losses. These losses often include the following:
  • Lost income - Many TBI victims will never be able to work in the job they did prior to their injury, if they are able to work at all. As a result, a severe TBI can lead to a lifetime of lost income.
  • Medical expenses - A severe traumatic brain injury can result in millions of dollars in medical expenses over the course of a person’s lifetime. Not only is the initial treatment astronomically expensive, when victims need ongoing care, but it can also early cost thousands of dollars each month, if not more.
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering - TBIs tend to result in significant physical and emotional pain and suffering. As anyone can imagine, severe head trauma can be extremely painful, as can the associated recovery. In addition, the emotional pain of realizing that your life may never be the same can be devastating. Consequently, TBI victims are often entitled to significant damages for pain and suffering.

When Can TBI Victims Recover Compensation?

Connecticut law entitles people who are hurt in accidents caused by the negligence of others to compensation. Negligence occurs when a person fails to use the degree of care that would ordinarily be used by a reasonable person in the same or similar circumstances. To determine whether your or your loved one’s accident was the result of negligence, you should have the facts of your case reviewed by an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Call Polito & Harrington Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With a New London Personal Injury Lawyer

A severe traumatic brain injury can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life and ability to function. At Polito & Harrington, we understand how important it is for victims and their families to obtain justice and work tirelessly to get our clients the compensation they deserve. To schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury attorney in New London, call our office today at (860) 447-3300 or send us an email through our online contact form.