Everything You Need to Do After a Bike Accident

July 7, 2020 | By Polito & Harrington LLC
Everything You Need to Do After a Bike Accident

Grab your helmet the next time you head out for a bike ride. You never know when an accident might happen.

In fact, about 45,000 bicycle accidents were reported in the US within a single year. While the number of reported accidents decreased, the number of fatalities increased by over 12%!

It helps to prepare yourself for a potential accident. Otherwise, you might not react properly when an accident does occur. How you respond after a bike accident could determine whether or not you receive compensation.

Here's everything you need to do after a bike accident. With this helpful guide, you can follow the right course of action and receive the compensation you deserve. 

Bike safely and take the smarter coarse with these helpful tips!

Call an Ambulance

Depending on your bike accident injuries, you might feel dazed, disoriented, or in pain. Some people get away with minor scrapes and bruises. Others require immediate medical attention.

Either way, don't rush to stand after you're in a bike accident. Instead, take a moment to assess your injuries. If you feel like you can't move without help, don't.

You might have sustained a spinal injury. Rushing to move could lead to lasting disabilities.

Instead, determine whether or not you need to call a medical professional.

While you wait, take photos of your injuries. If you only have minor injuries, you might decide to patch yourself up on your own. 

Some bikers take a fanny pack with a small first aid kit with them during a ride. If you have the right materials, clean and sanitize your wounds using hygienic wet wipes. An antiseptic solution can also help you avoid a potential infection. 

Otherwise, you can use a scrap of your shirt to dress the wound.

Many people don't realize the severity of their injuries until days or even weeks after a crash. For example, you might have a concussion without realizing it. If you were in a bike accident, consider visiting a doctor or hospital.

They can assess your bike accident injuries with a professional eye.

Move Out of Harm's Way

Once you determine you can move without making your injuries worse, it's important to get out of harm's way. Try to stand on your own. If you're comfortable walking, move yourself and your bike away from traffic. 

It's important to move out of harm's way as soon as you can. If you're in the middle of the road, you could cause yourself additional harm. Someone else might also get hurt.

Assess the Situation

Once you're out of harm's way, take the time to assess the situation. 

First, complete a more thorough review of your injuries. Are you cut anywhere? Did you sustain any muscle injuries or break any bones?

Make sure you can move without experiencing too much pain.

Who else was involved in the accident? Are they out of harm's way? Do they need help?

If necessary, call an ambulance either for yourself or the other parties involved in the crash. 

Between 2017 and 2018, there was a 6% increase in bicyclist fatalities. In fact, over 850 bicyclists were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2018. If you were in a bike accident, it's important to take the right steps to ensure you receive compensation.

Once you've checked on everyone else, take a look at your bike. How badly was it damaged? Avoid riding your bike if:

  • There are cracks or bends in the fork and frame
  • The wheels aren't straight or spinning properly
  • The brakes and gears no longer function normally
  • There are spokes missing from your wheels

Trying to ride a damaged bike could lead to new injuries. If you notice any of these damages to your bike, make sure to take photos. 

Call the Police

If you were injured in a bike accident, make sure to call the police from the scene of the accident. You might have a difficult time making your case if you leave the scene prematurely. Instead, you'll want to make an official statement with the police.

When the police arrive, you and the other parties involved in the accident can make a statement. It's important to speak with the police while the details are still fresh in your mind. Waiting too long could cause you to forget specific details.

While you wait for the police to arrive, avoid unnecessary conversation with the other parties. Don't make any comments about your injuries or damages to your bike. If someone asks about your injuries, say you can't comment until you're assessed by a doctor.

When the police arrive to take your statement, don't embellish. Instead, focus on the relevant details. 

Make sure to request a copy of their official police report. You'll need the official report when building your case. 

Gather Information

You can start gathering information while you wait for the police to arrive. First, use your phone to take photos of yourself, your injuries, and your clothes. Take photos of your bike and helmet as well.

Then, take photos of any vehicles that were involved in the crash.

Remember, you might begin to remember specific details after the day of the bike accident. To keep track of everything, write down everything as you remember it. That includes when and where the accident occurred. 

Gather information from the other parties involved in the crash, too. For starters, you'll need their name, address, and insurance information. If a driver was involved, get their driver's license and vehicle license numbers, too. 

While you're still at the scene of the accident, look around. Did anyone witness the crash? Get their contact information as well. 

Preserve the Evidence

Next, gather evidence of damage to your helmet, bike, and body. Take your bike into a shop for an official evaluation. Keep copies of any costs for your insurance company.

Don't forget to document your injuries and keep track of medical records, too.

Otherwise, make sure to preserve evidence, such as your clothes.

Call a Professional

If you sustained bike accident injuries, you could receive compensation. Consider calling a lawyer with experience in bike accident cases.

Make sure to provide your lawyer with all the evidence you've gathered. 

They'll help negotiate with insurance companies and help you navigate your lawsuit. 

These Tips Make Your Case After a Bike Accident

Now that you know what to do after a bike accident, don't hesitate. These seven tips can help you make your case. Otherwise, you might miss your chance!

Don't go through this alone.

Contact us today for a free virtual consultation. We're here to help.