Car Crash 101: How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer in Connecticut

March 26, 2020 | By Polito & Harrington LLC
Car Crash 101: How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer in Connecticut

There are over 6 million car accidents every year. If you were involved in one of these accidents, your priority should be getting proper medical attention. However, after that, you should get in touch with a car accident lawyer. But how do you find a lawyer in your area that you know you can trust? We've put together this guide to help you find a qualified car accident lawyer in Connecticut. Make sure you keep reading below to learn more.

Ask Around

Start by asking your friends and family for recommendations. Have they had to hire a lawyer recently? If so, what did they think about the lawyer they worked with? Would they work with the lawyer again? Your friends and family can give you an in-depth review of any lawyers they've hired in the past. And since you know you can trust them, these reviews are often more valuable than what you'll find online. If your friends and family don't have any recommendations, the next step is to do a simple Google search. Typing something like "Connecticut car accident lawyer" into the search bar should give you plenty of results in your area. But don't just click on the first one and call it good! You need to spend some time doing a bit of research about each option. Make sure you check their education, and if they have the right licenses. You should also double-check that they're in the lawyer directories for your state. Otherwise, you could end up with a lawyer who isn't credible or reliable.

Read Their Reviews Online

Once you find a few qualified lawyers in your area (you should have a list of a least three top choices), look up their reviews online. There are many different places you can find reviews, but you should start by checking Yelp. How many stars does the lawyer have? Do past clients have mostly good things to say or bad things to say? You should avoid someone who has a lot of negative reviews.

Set up a Free Consultation

Now it's time to set up a free consultation. Sitting down and talking with a lawyer will help you learn a lot about them and will give you a good idea of how they work. While you want to hire someone who's qualified, you also want to hire someone you feel comfortable with. After all, you may be spending a lot of time with your lawyer. So if you don't like the vibe you get from a lawyer, it's a good idea to take your case somewhere else. Don't be shy or self-conscious during your consultation. This is your time to ask plenty of questions, and the lawyer should encourage you to do so. They should be willing and able to explain everything to you. Not sure what to ask? Start with these questions.

Can You Provide Any References?

A lawyer should have a list of past references, and they should be happy to give it to you. If they aren't, proceed with caution. Their past clients may not have anything good to say about them. It's a good idea to get in touch with a few of the references they provide. These references will be able to tell you about their experience working with the lawyer and whether it was a good or bad one. They'll also be able to tell you what to expect when you work with this lawyer.

What Type of Experience Do You Have?

You'll want any lawyer you hire to have experience working on (and winning) cases like yours. Because of this, you should make sure the lawyer specializes in car accidents. While a personal injury lawyer might be able to handle a car accident case as well, someone who specializes in this type of law will know all the tiny details and improve your chance of winning. You should also ask about their success rate. If the lawyer doesn't have a lot of wins under their belt, you may not want to trust them with your case.

How Much Do You Charge?

You can't hire a lawyer you can't afford. It's as simple as that. Ask them how much they charge and when you have to pay them. Many car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee. This means you'll only pay them if they win your case, which can be a big help for a lot of people.

What Do You Think About My Case?

The lawyer should spend some time talking through your case with you. They may not go into a lot of detail, but they should be able to tell you the basic steps they'll take and what outcome they expect. Don't hire a lawyer who doesn't think you can win. Otherwise, you might end up with a lawyer who won't bother trying.

How to Find a Car Accident Lawyer in Connecticut

If you're looking for a car accident lawyer in Connecticut, make sure you start by following these tips. And remember, don't just pick the first lawyer you find. You should do some research to ensure you're getting the best lawyer for your needs. If you don't, you might end up with a lawyer who's under-qualified and who doesn't care about the results of your case. Be patient. It might take some time to find the right lawyer, but the extra time is worth the wait.